Letters to me: Things you should never lie about

Your feelings
This doesn’t mean you need to be dramatic (which is just an attempt to manipulate pity) it just means that you need to acknowledge your true feelings internally. Express them appropriately, and with dignity. Learn to surrender.

Your motivations
“I was in the neighbourhood…” It’s OK to say that you wanted to see someone.
It’s OK to call someone because you need to talk, you don’t need to preface it with “I just wanted to catch up”.

Your resume
You might never get caught, but you’ll also never get to experience true trust or responsibility. You’ll always have a voice in the back of your head saying “I shouldn’t be here”. You’ll never get to relax.

Where you’re from
And the life experiences that helped make you who you are today. The sooner you become OK with your past, the sooner you can use those experiences as a springboard for growth. Shame eats your soul. It kills you from the inside out.

What you want
Know what you want and be up-front about it. But be realistic in your expectations. Understand that most things take work. Be grateful for your opportunities.

Your expectations of others
Be clear and concise in your communications with those around you. Leave no room for misunderstandings. It is your responsibility to make yourself heard. People are not mind readers.

What you’re capable of
It’s OK that you’re not great at everything. Nurture the gifts that you have, even if you don’t perceive them as being as valuable as the ones you don’t. Don’t try to be something you’re not. You will just learn to hate yourself. You will be exhausted.

How valuable your relationships are
Stop “playing it cool”. It’s right there in the name: Playing. Your relationships are not games. Any prizes you perceive are illusions. People are not toys. Show people how much you love them.

Never be ashamed to love.

Love openly.

Love freely.

Love with every fibre of your being.

Love like your life depends on it.

Because it does.



2 thoughts on “Letters to me: Things you should never lie about

  1. I like it. Some people don’t lie for the sake of lying though. Honesty isn’t easy, especially where in makes you vulnerable..


    • I recently watched a Ted Talk (link is here if you’re interested) on digital lies. And the first to be discussed was the “Butler Lie”. The lies you tell like, “I’m sorry I didn’t pick up the phone, I was in a meeting” when really you just didn’t want to talk at that moment.

      That’s the kind of lie I tell most frequently, and its purpose is to protect a relationship. People don’t like it when you tell them you didn’t want to talk to them.

      This has been the hardest kind of lie for me to break. I want to protect my relationships.

      But then I realized that people understand. And that it’s OK to not want to talk sometimes. Because we all feel like that.

      The point is that I do care about the relationship, and that’s why I call them back. When I’m ready.

      Telling the truth is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And I’m certain that there will be times that I lie again.

      Some people like the example “if the SS were at your door and you were hiding a family of Jewish people in your attic, would you tell the SS where they are because you’re honest?”

      I would lie.

      But for everything else I’m honest.

      Even if it makes people hate me.

      And especially if it makes me vulnerable. Vulnerable is love. Vulnerable is terrifying.

      Vulnerable is a really weird word if you say it a lot.


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